Friday, April 18, 2008

when the stars go blue

i couldn't quite figure out how to get text and a video in the same post. kind of embarassing.
but i love Bono. and the Corrs. and this song. so here's the perfect combination of all three! :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

special places...

ms. mili got a new office! they converted the old library into a huge office for ms. mili and another huge one for dr. jenkins. it's so awesome! we eat lunch in there in these awesome chairs. i even got to use the shredder. i've never been quite so happy. :D

that ukulele player, jake shimubu-something came to SIS today! he gave a concert in the new library for the whole school...which fit inside the library. it was kinda scary. disturbing, really. the smallness of the school, not the concert. but man...he was totally awesome. he even signed carter's forehead. that was totally the best part.

we had basketball practice today with three members from each varsity team. it was cool, though, since it was just the meat of the teams. but seriously...i witnessed something terrifying. boys spanking each other. i don't really want to relive the experience. it was like, when the other team made a point, we would all be walking towards half-court waiting for the ball to be checked, and arnold would totally spank kento. i wasn't sure if it was a spank of encouragement or intimidation, but kento didn't appear to be particularly enjoying it. arnold seemed fine. that was the scary part. i let out a small scream everytime he did it (which was twice) and looked in horror to madison who was wearing a similar expression. the second time i screamed, "hey!! don't spank kento!!" and arnold was like, "it's a boy thing that they do to each other!" and i'm like, "" totally disturbing. but then melissa hit kento really hard in his "special place" and his voice got a little high pitched and he had to sit out for a few minutes. he's just a target for abuse...:P

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

the remainder of my college decisions come out next week :. i'm really, really trying not to freak out. seriously! i am. it's a notable challenge, though. berkeley is tomorrow, brown and yale are on monday, vanderbilt is on tuesday, and boston college is sometime in april.

i'm scared, though. :( way too much perfectionism went into those applications, and i'm deathly afraid of having them all summarily rejected. i guess i'm a little bit scared that being rejected from all of them will make me feel like UT is what i'm "settling" for when really that's not it at all. i'll be so happy to go to UT and i think i'll really like it there, but i don't want some gigantic failure to overshadow it. somewhere i know that college decisions don't say anything about my personal worth, but seriously. don't they? it's five respected institutions saying, "please, do not grace us with your presence, we fear you have a stupefying effect on our student population."

lol...haha :P

so we're in literature yesterday, right? me and my four classmates. mr. lee has assigned us to read the first act of this play, which i have done. it's 10:30, so i leave the room to take a five minute break. mr. lee ALWAYS comes to collect us if he's going to start class again, so, ten minutes later, i assume that he won't be lecturing and don't go back in the room. 45 minutes later, i go back in to get my stuff, since class is over, and see the board filled with notes and hear mr. lee go, "there's a reading check tomorrow, caroline, so you might want to copy down the notes."

burn, man. burn. very harsh...haha. i copied kento's notes and aced the reading check, though, and mr. lee doesn't get mad at it's all good. it was pretty funny at the time, though. it's kind of sad when you're one of five people in a room and are forgotten. very sad. :P

Saturday, March 8, 2008


double wow!! :D

Friday, March 7, 2008

colorful friday...

sitting in the new library of the new high school, i'm actually beginning to come to terms with all of it. all of this will be over in less than three months, and while that scares me, i think i'm going to be okay. i'll miss the security of it all, but i think it's definitely time to move on. i'm not counting the days, hours, or minutes until school ends, but i'm a little bit tired of it.

this weekend will not be fun. i've managed to procrastinate some pretty important stuff, which mainly includes the application for a large scholarship that i have no shot at but would kick myself if i blew off, the majority of my material for NFL debate regionals, and my huge, awful, horrible art project. i can't believe i have as little of that project done as i do. it's terrible! it's our final exam, too.

thank goodness for movie nights. i'm pretty sure i'd die without them.

the sophomores all have these cute matching shirts for class color day today. the senior class actually did pretty good. 80% of the class participated. 4 out of 5. when i told ms mili that 80% of our class was wearing red, she said, "oh, so 2 of you?"


the other day, arnold gave a presentation to the sophomores about taking the SAT. michael, always a genius, asked him, "is it hard??" arnold responded, "it will be for you."
you've gotta admit, he set himself up for that one. :P:P

i'm not sure if that's better than arnold's asking me in the middle of spanish, "do you like hairy men?"
i had honestly never really thought about it. i suppose i'm pretty opposed to the idea, but i didn't want to offend him, since i'm not sure about his status as a hairy person or not, so i just said that i didn't really have a preference. a total lie, but we have to mind our manners, right?

since the teacher color was pink today, mr. lee borrowed kento's super tight t-shirt. it had a slit at the neckline and flowers embroidered. very feminine. it suited mr. lee perfectly. :P

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

morgan rose on KMCV: "what brings you back [to mt. tapochau]?"
dad (as the voice of the guy on TV): my car.

lol. :P